Wednesday, October 28, 2009

yeah i know

but again, i'm not here for you so stop being so vain

i just read this article about a little 6 yr old girl that died of brain cancer and how, in the last 255 days of her life she managed to hide now 3 containers full of notes of love for her mom, dad, and little sister all over the house....
they say they didn't know she knew she was dying - but obviously she had written these with intent....they are hidden everywhere and done with intent

made me cry:

so i've been thinking about the great beyond lately and how life can change in the blink of an eye....and i've decided that is a great idea

not on a morbid i'm doomed trip
but more like....aware of life's fleeting changes and just in chase i would like to hide some notes like that for people in my family

hopefully, they will remain hidden long enough for me to forget i even hid them....or they show up and we laugh about them at my 92nd birthday party...
but if not? maybe someone will get a special smile and laugh and bit of love from beyond that i left tucked somewhere

like that very special, very wise, young girl

be well wanderers
hope all is well in your worlds
