Thursday, June 9, 2011

On Wiener's Wiener

you see, the point is not whether or not you actually or metaphorically cheated or not

the point is, Mr. Wiener, that you LIED

you said you didn't, said you'd been hacked, said you were hiring a PI firm

but you LIED

you Mr. "I'm going to keep my job in the gov't because I didn't cheat."
you miss the point entirely. you should leave because you lied

and now that we know it, that you would lie with so much responsibility on your shoulders;
not only to your constituents
and despite your 'moral code'
but to the young people (and by young, I mean the age of the women you were sending ego pics to)
of our nation

to them, you are a liar, and you can't be trusted

so, be glad that your wife, if you are lucky, will be able to trust you again
but don't ask the people of the country to. you had your chance. you blew it


but hey, you could always look into a career in those online chat porn things, right?
I have a feeling you'd be a natural....... ;D