Wednesday, June 25, 2008

random killings

for years now there have been random mutiple killings

i was actually in the hospital giving birth when the columbine shootings happened in colorado...and death was all there was on the tv when i was trying to celebrate life.....

but i noticed it if it was gaining momentum. like killing people was starting to be a fad. scary, eh? and yet, look at where we are.

i read, as i'm sure many did, many stories about kids taking guns to school to exact revenge of some sort. there was the whole 'going postal' "joke" that went around....there has been mass ethnic 'cleansing' events around the world from us...

recently, it seems to me, there has a been a rise in parents killing their children.....but it started with the whole 'postal' phenomenon i think

by the know...i really don't think i believe in a heaven and i feel strongly that the purpose of life is for our spirit to learn something

and we must reincarnate however many times it takes to get those lessons right and graduate to total peace and consciousness

anyway....just because i don't believe in hell doesn't mean that i don't see the necessary exsistance and balance of good and evil
nor that i don't believe in demons or evil spirits
i think there's a whole bunch of stuff out there we don't understand
and i do think there are things out there with a definite negative menacing feeling about them...

that said

if there's any evidence of the 'devil' manifesting; some evil energy that is gaining strength by the number of spirits it can infiltrate and total disrupt their psyche

it's all of these random killings that seem to be gaining strength
it's too often like a perfectly normal person....even those who seem given to a laid back state of existance....or children who know little of the world...or mothers...or fathers...or people all over the world who decide other people need to be slaughtered immediately. ahh i could go on, sadly, couldn't i?

anyway the point is it's as if suddenly these people are afflicted with some completely....paranormal idea to kill. one day fine, the next bloody murder?
and not just kill randomly or one person...but in ways that will kill as many people as possible or kill those closest to you

what the hell is going on

it makes no sense

it's as if....there is a disease or a force that is gaining ground that no one sees

now i'm no bible beater...sorry if that offends those who are
but i will admit i don't like what i see in society
not just ours...but around the world

what's with the random killings; world?

travel on

raven x