Tuesday, January 20, 2009

a new day

so it's arrived

barack obama is president of the united states....hope has returned to the downtrodden and struggling

even the rich and solid i think felt a wave of patriotism today...of a common bond and love between the people of OUR nation. all of us as one force.....looking out for and helping one another

it was something else to watch that sea of people waving...rising ....pulling...the energy of their moving arms and smiling faces and voices raised in joy and praise and love for america...and what barack has seemingly brought to us

not only us, i thought, as i watched this. for across the world....there were people watching. governments, hospitals, military, people, poor and rich alike.....watching america re-evolve

that had to have been hard for bush to watch...........knowing that barack will succeed where he failed. in being a people's president. that he is already, less than an hour on the official job..more loved that he may have been his whole presidency

bush was not my favorite person during the last eight years....but he did what he could. and what he thought was right.
anyway i think he meant well overall....so to hear everyone booing and singing hey hey hey...good bye...as he walked out kind of sucked

i winced for him and even in my frustration with him i felt for him and was proud of his ability to walk out upon that crowd of tens of thousands of people with pride and hold his head high

what i took with me....more than anything and for the first time
is a better feeling for the stuff we are made of and why people choose america...as obama put it

But those values upon which our success depends — hard work and honesty, courage and fair play, tolerance and curiosity, loyalty and patriotism — these things are old.


these things i will post on my wall to remind me
to remind and teach my children

this is why i call myself an american
and why we will survive

because not only are we built of the best stuff...but we are the best stuff from all over the world

we combine our uniqueness and our talents and knowledge and wisdom ...HERE..in this melting pot

our diversity only makes us stronger and that much more able to affect the world

so good luck to us all

and i close with love to my countrymen and the world and our new president

be well nomads
to yourself and others..

blackbird xxxx

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