Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Idiot Burger King lettuce mauler posts photo on 4chan

Burger king guy with your boots in the lettuce......after you are fired and probably have some charges brought against you...and you sift through the ashes of your reputation after people figure out who you are and give you shit from here to the end of the earth for doing something like that....I wonder if anyone will ask you WHY?  And I wonder if you will answer.

That's what I always wonder when I read a report or hear a story like this.  WHY did you feel like you had to step in the lettuce.
Do you hate the type of people that would eat a cheeseburger?
Do you only hate the type of people that would eat a cheeseburger from Burger King?
Is it Burger King you are mad at and trying to make them lose customers?
Or are you just pissed you are working in a fast food restaurant wasting your potential?  I'm curious...seriously.
When I hear about someone spitting on somebody's food or god...worse....(and we've all heard those stories...come on) I think 'why in the hell would a person be angry enough to want to do that?'

Even when a customer pisses me off, and oh, they have; I have never ever considered sliding in a bodily fluid somehow with their order.  Not that I could, in the manner of retail I worked in...but still.  I just couldn't do that to's so freaking nasty to imagine biting into a burger or taco or any type of food and find out that someone had been overly generous with you for some bizarre reason the probably couldn't logically explain when questioned by authorites.  Except to say "i was pissed off'

ah another case of 'i was pissed off so my stupidity and evil bullshit is warranted and justified'

um. no.

somebody needs to make this boy a burger, i'd say.........right after stepping on some of the ingredients for it. probably should video tape him eating the whooooole thing.  and then apologizing; not for being an idiot, because maybe that's out of your control...I don't know...but you should apologize for letting your stupid leak out all over other people.

enjoy your lunch!  oh...and when people figure out who you are?  i'd advise not eating out for awhile.......someone might think it's 'funny' to give you a little of what you gave for real.

be well wanderers  - back soon xx blackbird

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