Wednesday, August 29, 2007

3 GOP lawmakers call for Sen. Craig to resign

i realize that not everyone thinks being gay is....normal.

not that i'm gay, i just don't know what it feels like so how can i say people make it up? it's not my place to judge what others feel. besides, there are perfectly wonderful helpful responsible people all over the planet that are gay so what does it matter who they sleep with? and why are americans so nosy?


back to the point. even if politicians walk their thin ice of not supporting gay marriage.....i thought it has always been portrayed as if "we don't actually have anything against gay people persay...we just don't think that ...union should be legal." right? maybe i don't read enough news or watch enough tv....laughs

and then i read today that one of the republicans made a comment about how he plead guilty to conduct unbecoming a senator and should resign. that's laughable. for soooooo many reasons. but lets stick to this one topic eh?

ok first of all's none of your business. i'm so tired of people bitching about what everyone else does in their personal lives...from the media to everyone's an idea. if you spent more time working on your own lives and managing your own business you wouldn't have time to care about what anyone else does in their private time. as it should be.

so, who cares who he wants to fondle or if he's not strong enough to be able to live his real feelings except in anonymous random bathrooms. (which in itself is a sad statement really) (in this 'free' country of ours) it's none of my business and frankly i would rather not know....simply because it's private. i shudder at the thought of the way the media just rips to shreds peoples privacy and we let it happen. daily.

the thing i wonder is; has he done good work? is he a good human being? i actually can't answer it myself because i deliberatly don't watch the politics game....but the bigger point is...what's he done that's positive outside of potentially subtly propositioning another man?

(and why is this police business as well, i wondered. why do the police care if men want to connect like that....trying to be private and secretive...not a public show or blatant harrassment.....a simply system of quiet codes...

why on earth would the police feel like that's necessary to have undercover cops it a prostitution thing? when someone hits on you in a bar...a grocery work..wherever...don't you just turn them down if your not interested? should we have undercover police planted everywhere people might hit on each other? good grief. can you imagine?)

back to conduct unbecoming. so that's where our goverment stands........if you are a person who feels like you are gay, you are not welcome or looked upon favorably from then on.

hmm. you might be incredibly motivated or kind or intelligent or helpful but if you are gay we don't want you so shove off. interesting. not that the person would be describing their bedroom escalades...or that anyone else talks about anything else they all do in their bedrooms.....(and wouldn't that be a bunch of interesting bag of little secrets to spill i bet)...but if we even have any knowledge of it in our heads you are too vile to join the old boys club?

rolls my eyes

the image we portray to the rest of the world is increasingly depressing

be well wanderers


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